Our Response to Covid-19
Before you visit us please check the following:
- Are you, or a member of your household suffering from the symptoms of Covid 19? If this is the case please postpone your visit or shop with us at aldiss.com.
- Face coverings are to be worn in line with Government guidelines.
- Your family group is as small as possible.

SOCIAL DISTANCING and face coverings
We continue to follow government advice allowing us to offer a safe shopping and working environment
We are fortunate to have large stores and facilities, which make social distancing a little easier, but to make sure please observe the following.
- Face coverings are to be worn in line with Government guidelines, although no longer mandatory, we encourage the wearing of face coverings in our stores.
- Members of our team have been designated and are on hand to ensure measures are in place to ensure everyone stays safe.
- When asking advice our team members will maintain a sensible distance between you and them – it might look like we are backing away – but it is just social distancing.
- At till points and desks we have introduced safe queuing, screens and distance controls – please follow the signs explaining the procedure:
- We encourage you to use cards, or contactless methods when paying for your purchases.
- To avoid congestion we have introduced some one way systems with in and out doors and one way up and one way down on our staircases. Please follow the arrows.
- Lifts should also only be used by one family group at a time.
We have clean well maintained customer toilets, where we recommend you wash your hands while in the stores, there are also hand sanitisers provided at key points enabling you to follow the government advice on hand hygiene.
- We have reduced the number of people working in any given area, to give everyone a little more space.
We have reviewed our cleaning regime to include regular cleaning of:
- Door handles, Hand rails, Lift buttons, Barriers, Keypads.