If you are buying a new electrical item, we will recycle your old one for FREE. This will be on a like for like basis. You can return you old electronics that have the crossed out wheelie bin symbol shown below to our stores.
Items can be returned by post but please note:
- Any WEEE sent via postal system must be safely packaged in 'hazardous' or 'fragile' packaging, to avoid dangerous objects /chemicals coming into contact.
- The cost of the postage is covered by you, the customer. Recycling costs will be covered by us, WJ Aldiss Ltd.
- Please do not send WEEE via post if they may be hazardous material or can be injurious to health or safety of others.
Items can also be returned by post, please send them to WEEE ELECTRICAL RETURNS, WJ Aldiss limited, Oxborough Lane, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR20 8AF. Please ensure you have notified us by phone (01328 862381) or email ( before sending so we can confirm the purchase of your new items and that we are able to recycle your old item. Don't forget to add a covering note with your details.
Why Recycle?
Unwanted electrical equipment is the UK’s fastest growing type of waste. Many electrical items can be repaired or recycled, saving natural resources and the environment. If you do not recycle, electrical equipment will end up in landfill where hazardous substances will leak out and cause soil and water contamination – harming wildlife and human health.
We can help…
We are pleased to offer our customers the chance to recycle their old electrical items when purchasing a new item from us. Please speak to a member of staff for details on how to dispose of your Waste Electrical or Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
Crossed out wheeled-bin symbol
To remind you that old electrical equipment can be recycled, it is now marked with a crossed-out wheeled bin symbol.
Please do not throw any electrical equipment (including those marked with the crossed out wheeled bin symbol) in your bin. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013