Edge Sculptures

Edge Sculptures - Baby Chimpanzee 'Hear No Evil'Edge Sculptures - Baby Chimpanzee 'Hear No Evil'
Edge Sculptures - Baby Chimpanzee 'Hear No Evil'
Now £119
The Edge "Hear no Evil" Chimpanzee by Matt Buckley is a charming rendition of a cheeky chimpanzee that is taking the sentiment of hearing no evil a little loosely! These sculptures are perfect for any animal lover or collecter of the Edge range.
Edge Sculptures - Panda CubEdge Sculptures - Panda Cub
Edge Sculptures - Panda Cub
Now £139
The Edge Panda Cub by Matt Buckley is an adorable rendition of a lovable panda cub. These sculptures are perfect for any animal lover or collecter of the Edge range.