Vi-Spring Dartington

ViSpring Dartington MattressViSpring Dartington Mattress
ViSpring Dartington Mattress
RRP £3270.00 Our Price from £1769
The Dartington moulds itself your body to guarantee a soothing night’s sleep. Its fine natural fillings create a voluptuously deep surface, with a unique ability to regain and maintain its form in the face of repeated use. Soft yet resilient, it offers a cosy traditional feel. MATTRESS Finest quality ticking Platinum certified real Shetland wool Horsetail Cotton Platinum certified British fleece wool 1 layer of pocket springs
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ViSpring Dartington Divan SetViSpring Dartington Divan Set
ViSpring Dartington Divan Set
RRP £4810.00 Our Price from £2909
The Dartington moulds itself your body to guarantee a soothing night’s sleep. Its fine natural fillings create a voluptuously deep surface, with a unique ability to regain and maintain its form in the face of repeated use. Soft yet resilient, it offers a cosy traditional feel.MATTRESSFinest quality tickingPlatinum certified real Shetland woolHorsetailCottonPlatinum certified British fleece wool1 layer of pocket springsDIVANFinest quality ticking or upholstery fabricPlatinum certified British fleece woolCottonCoir1 layer of pocket springsHeadboard soldseparatelyDivan Mantle optional extra
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